I regularly offer Hands of Light Workshops.

If you would be interested in participating in a workshop please e-mail me and I will notify you when I have one scheduled.

Brennan Healing Science is an expanded, energetic approach to medicine and counseling. 

During a hands-on healing session, I help my clients increase awareness of their own energy field, providing them a broader, multi-dimensional understanding of their situation or condition.  I support them in their journey to explore the underlying vibrational source of their illness, relational difficulty or fear because doing so greatly facilitates the healing process.  The possibilities for healing become infinite as they begin to challenge their habitual misconceptions and limiting beliefs about life, becoming better able to reconnect with their purpose and the Essence of who they are. 

When our view of life is expanded to include the energy field we begin to more easily make choices and create experiences for ourselves 
that support more satisfying relationships and vibrant health.  

My unique perspective on health has evolved from the study and application of three modalities. Brennan Healing Science has provided me with the language and the abilities needed to accurately perceive and work with the human energy field throughout multiple dimensions. The Alexander Technique has been my vehicle for exploring the power of thought and its intimate connection to our physical mechanics. Co-Creative Science is a systemized process of forging a partnership with nature to address both personal and health-related issues.
​​​​​​​​​Deborah Sinclair


     Healing often begins as a process 

     of bringing awareness to how and              why we are taking ourselves out of

     alignment with our original intention       for being here.  

     As we become more aware of the                mental, emotional and physical                  consequences of our misalignment, 

     we are better able to challenge 

     habitual behaviors or limiting beliefs, 

     thereby freeing ourselves to discover

     what this moment has in store. 

     When we are in alignment, 

     abundant health is supported, we  

     experience reliable Guidance and a            clear sense of purpose.  

     Alignment is our natural state.​​​

 Brennan Healing Science Practitioner

​The Intelligence of Nature

     Our experience of health can be              addressed as a reflection of the               quality of our relationship with

     the Earth. 

     Our willingness to consider nature's 

     intelligence reveals a great deal

     about not only what we choose to

     eat or where we choose to 

     live, but how we feel about 

     ourselves and how deeply we

     experience authenticity in our

     relationships with others. 


     Nature is a willing, co-creative                companion that can assist us in              making choices that benefit                     our health and the highest good.


     Nature is always seeking balance. 

Copyright © Deborah Sinclair 2022

(Previous) Hands of Light Weekend Workshop

at the Mountain Inn and Healing Sanctuary

near Asheville, NC

Cost:  $345 - (prices included five vegetarian meals)

​​​​​​The Weekend begins with a Friday Evening Lecture:  

                Four Dimensions of Humankind 

Friday - 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Originally titled The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Energy Field,  
this lecture is an overview of the chakra system

and the auric field as described in the book "Hands of Light" by Barbara Brennan.  I cover what the chakras are and how they function,

as well as why perceiving and understanding their complexities can be so valuable in the healing process.  ​                                                                                               

Weekend Overview
We spend the weekend days exploring the energy field,

practicing exercises that expand our high sense perception,

in preparation for learning a hands-on healing technique called a chelation. 

Participants share experiences designed by Barbara Brennan to support 

the process of making conscious contact with the energy field gently and effectively.

The workshop is designed for both experienced professionals

as well as those new to energy work. It is an experience that supports

our own evolutionary process and deepens our appreciation of the

human energy system and the expression of Core Essence - our authentic self.  

9:00 am -  12:30 pm
The morning begins with a short lecture on the basics of high sense perception.  The rest of the morning is spent exploring exercises that will ground and charge the auric field.  We will also pair up (with masks) to practice opening our subtle senses as we begin perceiving the flow of energy in relationship with another.

Lunch 12:30 pm  - 2 pm

2 pm - 5:00 pm
The afternoon begins with kinesthetic exercises that support a deeper,

felt sense of the auric field, Followed by a demonstration of a chelation healing.

followed by learning and exchanging chelation healings with a partner. 

5:15 - 6:00 
Optional Barbara Brennan School of Healing talk for those interested.


10:00 am 12:30 pm
Opening meditation
Exchanging chelation healings with guidance. 

Lunch 12:30 pm - 2 pm  

2 pm- 4 pm 
Psychometry exercise to further open high sense perception
Questions, sharings, and closing

Participant Evaluation Comments from previous workshops:

Was this a valuable experience for you?
     "Incredibly valuable. I was able to more clearly see my own blocks and limitations while being empowered in confidence". -  Lindsay S

     "I loved it!  The instructor; the location; the learning; the review of chelation;  So beautiful!  Thank you!"  - Sandhya M

     "Yes, Extremely.  Helped remind me of my purpose and offered tools for future healing for self and others."  - Brandi T

     "Yes!  opened new perspectives/ideas to HEF and what this means.  So many ways to get the same.  Find your resonation! 

      This opened my eyes!" - Matthew

What was something you particularly liked?
     "Connecting to like-minded, loving community. 

       Debi’s down-to earth way of communicating and teaching makes the

       information more easily digestible."  - Lindsay S.
    "Another step/experience to remind me of who I am

       and what matters, authenticity and connection with Self and others." -  Amy C
    "The kindness and patience from Debi/Edrianna

       working with newbies to Hands of Light.  I felt welcomed to just be me!" 

Suggestions for improvement? 

 "None. Totally would recommend this experience." -  Matthew H

"I want to thank you again for the outstanding workshop you and your colleagues put on last weekend... You were so correct in that my own energy field had me in "la-la" land for several days and I am just now coming out of it... Anyway, I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the entire experience. I have been to many workshops dealing with various aspects of energetic work and this was, by far, the best presentation I have seen, in both style and content. Your introductory lecture was outstanding!!!  Well done!!!... and thanks again!!  - John, LMT 

"I gained awareness, and insight into and around human energetics that will allow me to continue growing and balancing my body, mind, and spirit." - Carrie 

"This was a great introduction for me, great leader, comfortable environment, safe for sharing and enjoyed the whole thing. I loved the feedback from Deborah during the exercises and chelation healing practice."  - Stacie

"Deborah has a great style of teaching.  She isn’t afraid to move, dance, or express and that really helped me feel more comfortable during the chakra exercises and chelation healing."  - Victoria

"I loved the color breathing!  Learning to ground through color.  Awesome! "     - Dee 

​​​​​​Energy Healing​

Using subtle sense perception, 

I assess my client's energy field and the condition of the chakra system that generates the field, to identify both the current state and the source of an issue.

I then use a variety of hands on healing science skills to work with 
the chakra system and the levels of 
the energy field to reestablish 
health and vitality.  

Throughout the session I support my clients in the process of expanding their own awareness to include what is happening in their field, so they can become empowered to make choices and create positive changes from a place of clarity and balance.​

Seven Sisters

Lake Tomahawk

Black Mountain, NC